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Valencia Stone, Facilitator & Inclusion Specialist

Valencia Stone

Valencia has a diverse background with over 15 years of workplace experience in human ecology, early childhood education and special education. Valencia's workplace experiences include the role of Early Childhood Education Specialist with the Tennessee Department of Education focused on high priority schools. Valencia has completed professional training with RDIconnect, Teachstone, Environment Rating Scales Institute (ERSI), The Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) and more. As a certified licensed early childhood and special education teacher, Valencia brings a wealth of knowledge in addressing challenging behaviors in the classroom. Valencia's philosophy is that high quality education is best achieved with a reciprocal partnership between families, schools and community stakeholders as vigorous advocates.

Q&A Video

Facilitator & Inclusion Specialist Valencia Stone takes a break from training & coaching to share about her teaching past & answer some personal questions.