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Practice Cohorts

Hands-On Workshops

Our workshops are an opportunity for educators to roll up their sleeves and create essential resources for ongoing behavior management. They’ll receive expert help and facilitation and walk away with a clear deliverable they can put to use immediately. 

Firstday Learning Hands-on Workshops

Teachers, Coaches, Administrators, Families    Onsite & Virtual     English & Spanish

Green checkmark icon

Create essential classroom resources for behavior management 

Yellow checkmark icon

Receive expert facilitation and feedback at every step in the process

Purple checkmark icon

Leave the training with concrete plans and deliverables

Example Workshops

The ABC-123 of Behavior Plans

Equip teachers with expert help and facilitation as they make a plan for effective prevention and responses to challenging behaviors. Teachers will leave the session with written behavior plans for the challenging behaviors in their classrooms and have a plan on how to track and share plan for effectiveness.


Zoning Plans

Give teachers the space, guidance, and support they need to understand zoning in their classrooms. Teachers will apply best practices to create intentional zoning plans with the help of our expert facilitators. 


Visual Supports and Social Stories

Visual supports and social stories play a vital role  in behavior management. Teachers will leave this workshop with visual supports and an implementation plan to address specific behavioral challenges. 


Intentional Planning - Integrative, Not Additive

Help teachers take an integrative approach to behavioral management resources. Teachers will leave the workshop with written plans on how to connect and utilize resources across the learning day. 


Additional Options

Explore additional professional development opportunities, each grounded in human psychology and the science of behavior change.