Behavior Bootcamp
Behavior Bootcamp introduces participants to the mental health and behavioral philosophies that inform more responsive classrooms. Participants will leave with concrete strategies for preventing and addressing problematic behaviors they can put into action right away.
Teachers, Coaches, Administrators Onsite & Virtual English & Spanish

Deepen understanding of the causes and sequences of challenging behavior

Increase educator confidence related to challenging behaviors in the classroom

Gain specific, actionable strategies to address and prevent problematic behavior

“The biggest takeaway that I had from this session is that your behavior can affect others. Sometimes the adults could be the reason a child may act out. We must self evaluate and ensure that our behaviors aren't trickling down to the children.”

“I was so happy your coach could meet each teacher where they were during the program. I had new teachers, and veteran teachers come back and tell me they have a completely different mindset and approach to dealing with challenging behavior in the classroom.”

“This training had a tremendous amount of useful information and was absolutely engaging and informative.”

"As the Director of the Program I was very happy with the trainers and content. It exceeded all expectations. Amazing PD. Thank you."
Additional Options
Explore additional professional development opportunities, each grounded in human psychology and the science of behavior change.